If you’re unaware of what Prop Hunt is, essentially there are two teams: the props and the hunters.
newest profile picture…teasing new MP game mode. Both WW2 and Black Ops 3 had versions, and now Black Ops 4 is receiving the same treatment. Since being introduced to CoD in Modern Warfare Remastered, Prop Hunt has been a mainstay in every game. So, when can we expect this mode to make its way to Black Ops 4? The return of Prop Hunt While still a game mode with kills and deaths, it is a stress-free and fun mode for all players. Originally making its debut in Modern Warfare Remastered, Prop Hunt throws away any conventional Call of Duty tactics.
The developers tweeted out an image that resembles a fan-favorite mode, Prop Hunt. Treyarch teased the return of one of the most popular game modes in Call of Duty today.